We are very excited about our latest major release now available to all Raven users. Please review the resources below to learn more about what's new:
New Data Collection
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  • Live Session Experience:
    data collection is now possible on any device with our responsive card design
  • New Skill Acquisition Cards:
    now even easier to collect trial by trial and task analysis data
  • Faster Behavior Trackers:
    frequency, rate, and duration trackers have been improved with ABC data and are streamlined in the top bar of the session collection.
New Programming
  • Program Cards:
    quickly view program information with expansion panels
  • Program Forms:
    improvements to the program form to help streamline your clinic
Bulk Imports
Now Admins can easily import their clinic information into Raven (Web-Only). Bulk imports now are available for the following entities:
  • Staff
  • Clients
  • Appointments