
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We are very excited about our latest major release now available to all Raven users. Please review the resources below to learn more about what's new:
New Data Collection
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  • Live Session Experience:
    data collection is now possible on any device with our responsive card design
  • New Skill Acquisition Cards:
    now even easier to collect trial by trial and task analysis data
  • Faster Behavior Trackers:
    frequency, rate, and duration trackers have been improved with ABC data and are streamlined in the top bar of the session collection.
New Programming
  • Program Cards:
    quickly view program information with expansion panels
  • Program Forms:
    improvements to the program form to help streamline your clinic
Bulk Imports
Now Admins can easily import their clinic information into Raven (Web-Only). Bulk imports now are available for the following entities:
  • Staff
  • Clients
  • Appointments
  • Offline Mode:
    users are now alerted when they are working without internet.
  • Version Update Available:
    users are now alerted when a new version of the application is ready.
Improved Collection
  • Session Start/End Timer:
    users are now required to start a session to collect and end one in order to submit a session note.
  • Diagnosis Code List:
    users are now can select ICD codes from F.80-F.89 in the client intake form.
Raven is now available to use in your web browser by going to:
Perform all your practice management activities on your phone, tablet, and now your laptop.
View the progress and contribute to our product roadmap here:
Now it's even easier to sign up for a free Raven account, navigate, and onboard your team. Here are some key updates in our latest release:
We at Raven Health are delighted to announce the release of our app in the iOS App Store! With a seamless (and free) way to collect behavioral data, practitioners can focus more time on serving their patients. 
Signing up is free and easy. Download the app on your tablet today.
We’re constantly working to improve the experience for our users. That's why we encourage everyone to help contribute to our roadmap - we are even giving out $100 gift cards to users who help us with product research.
For those who already have an account, make sure to jump back to look at our new features - like the Home Dashboard and Quick Session. Our mobile version is right around the corner as well!
As always, your input is critical to our success and greatly appreciated by all of us here at Raven. Thank you for your continued support.